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Hi guys,


I'm now around 7 weeks post takedown. I've been going to the bathroom 4-5 times per day and am quite happy with this progress. The only concern I have is this unsettling, discomfort / grumbling in my lower abdomen that builds up. It is relieved by going to the bathroom / passing gas. The question I have is does everyone get discomfort/grumbling as a sign that they need to go? Its never painful but it is uncomfortable. Especially if I'm at work and not able to go to the bathroom within the hour and need to hold it in.

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confirmed I get this too... I would even go as far as to say mine is painful but only at the peak of the 'twitch' just before the grumble (for a second or so, and I have caught myself grimacing in public momentarily).   The frequency the and severity of the discomfort indicates the urgency with which I need to visit the bathroom.

Hi , I'm just coming up to 2 years and I'm still going 10-15 + times a day and still really suffering with high frequency. I've stopped drinking coffee and under the advice or my consultant have been taking active charcoal which doesn't seem to alleviate the gas etc but hasn't  have made much of a change i the high frequency.

Same here.  Not getting as much gas but usually get the rumblings at the most inconvenient times.  I do home visits with young children and my stomach was particularly noisy one day.  Mom wondered if it was the dog, so I just let her know that it's just my new system working.  We just laughed it off.  Some things we just don't always have control of.  

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