Hi VIcki
I am really no expert in adhsions but...
As a kid I had them at my old colostomy site and every time that I exercised or played I would get sharp pain just there.
In the last few years I started building them again (I don't usually build a lot) and I feel either stabbing, strangling, or kicking-in-the-gut sort of pain (in my case very localized and pin-pointable)...it can put me on my knees. It can also cause blockages and occlusions that do or don't require immediate surgery.
The flu-like symptoms that you mention make me think of either some sort of narrowing in the gut, a twist that gets aggravated with movement, a hernia somewhere hiding...if they are saying that it isn't the pouch then maybe they should be looking higher up? A pouch that flops over?
Not everything shows up on traditional exams...you sort of need to have a great radiologist who is willing to experiment and find different ways to visualize your pouch/guts...
When no one had found the source of my problems (and no one believed me either) my Canadian surgeon gave me expicit instructions for an exam (opacification) of the pouch/guts.
I had my radiologist (the man is an true gentleman and life saver) drip opac (the contrast gunk) very slowly into my pouch then start injecting until it was full...took a while...he took pictures the whole time...then he turned me over on my left side...right...sitting, standing and bending over...(embarassing but it worked)...we discovered 2 things.
My pouch was down (I have a k pouch hooked to the abdominal wall and it can 'slip' off) which meant that it would flop or roll when full or if I did certain movements (yoga, running, turning over in bed) and it would block the gut until it rolled back into place. Needed to be full to roll back but it occluded when twisted! I also had a hernia that it got stuck up in in 2009 (my surgeon flew over here to do emergency surgery on that one)...it has happened a few times on me...
None of these things showed on the other tests.
Some surgeons sort of give up on you when you do not fit into their little boxes...So they say chuck it and move on...you may need a second opinion or just a more optimistic (and creative) surgeon.
Also, do not neglect the other parts of your body...not everything is pouch related just because it effects our guts. Could be anything from a generalized infection to galbladder on through.
Have you had bloodwork done recently?
Hope that you find the cause and save your pouch