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Hi it's me again with more problems! So I've been having a really hard time going to the loo having to strain and bleeding here and there, recently a big lump appeared on the anus,  I was pretty sure it was a hemorrhoid. It got really painful yesterday so I went to ER And the doc there said she thinks it's a hemorrhoid to. So I'm still feeling the pain passing stool as well so I'm thinking I've got internal ones also! And I had a look with a mirror and I can see what looks like a hole or a opened up cut right next to the hemorrhoid,  any ideas?  Could it be a fissure or a fistula? I'm scared it's a fistula, what do I look out for?

Thanks in advance every on

Sally xxx

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Thanks so much Jan that's really reassuring.   By draining do you mean stool? Because from what I can see there is some blood but it's so close to the anus- (like i have to almost pick the hemorrhoid up and see the small cut/ hole underneath it) I can't tell :/ 

I see my gastrointestinal doctor on the 23rd of this month hopefully she can ask someone to look I don't see my surgeons team until 5th October ��

Thanks for the help it's much appreciated  


Hi, Sally85. I also have what looks like cut lines and the pain of razor blades or glass moving inside during some BMs. I saw my surgeon yesterday and after an exam he wrote a prescription for diltiazem 2% in petroleum ointment for me to apply twice a day. In pill form diltiazem is a channel blocker used for treating high blood pressure, but in an ointment or cream applied to the painful area it can help ease the awful spasms and increase blood flow to that area, possibly helping you heal. When you see your gastrointestinal doctor, and if he confirms anal fissures, you could mention topical diltiazem 2% in petroleum and see what he says. I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks everyone  

Pouchomarx- I had hoped they would have looked a bit better in er but they hardly even examined me just had a quick look, I'm out of my area and they didn't have any of my medical notes so I think they basically don't want t oik get involved in issues that have l poo no pre existing issues that's what they made me feel anyway!

Winterberry- I have diltizam cream I might try and apply it again it's just been so painful I just gave up applying anything but I think I really must give it another go

Sally xxxx

I had a similar thing 8 years ago. I had a large swollen lump down there with a little hole that drained. It took forever to get diagnosed because it was dismissed as a hemorrhoid. I started feeling mildly ill all the time but was told it was just "stress" from grad school. Eventually it got REALLY big quite quickly and  I could barely walk, and finally it was discovered it was actually a peri-anal abscess. I had the thing for 7 months before this was found. Has it drained and opened in a day surgery and felt a world better afterwards. Perhaps keep an eye if you have fever/nausea and be persistent if it bothers you. Like so many things with all of us, non-specialist doctors are really unaware of all the weird things that can crop up for us pouchies. Good luck with everything.

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