so I find out I have multiple gallstones from MRI for something else. I see a general surgeon that my colorectal surgeon Remzi, and Dr Dietz referred me to. I see him and he says the MRI report didn't tell him much so I got an ultrasound on Saturday. Tech tells me I should be in a lot of pain cuz the gallbladder is filled with stones, but to wait to hear back from doctor. I know they all say unless its causing great pain leave it alone. I am guessing if its FILLED WITH STONES, this is a ticking time bomb and its going to have to come out at some point correct?? I emailed my GI Dr Shen, and he stated they don't remove gallbladder for asymptomatic stones, which I know, but he also stated "patients with underlying IBD have a higher risk for postop complications from gallbladder surgery". What does that mean exactly? lol. The general surgeon of course gave me the run down of the usual risks of complications that could happen as with any surgery, but I am wondering why those risks are higher with IBD and a jpouch?? Shen is not quick to email reply so wondering if anyone has any info on this?
I don't want to have surgery obviously unless I need it, I have mild aches and pains in my whole midsection front and back for years but I also had 8-10 surgeries and general surgeon stated its tough to say if those are from gallbladder or just adhesions and what have you from all the previous surgeries.. and these pains are not only shortly after I eat which I know with gallbladder that's a good sign. I always have some sort of ache or pain and they come and go.