Aahhh! Congratulations!!! I am sorry to hear about the long rough labor, but that is SO amazing that you have a new wee person in your family! I hope you are getting to enjoy him A LOT as you recover!!!
I too have been actively thinking about this whole crazy question. Basically both of the Maternal Fetal Medicine docs I ended up talking to said that there is really no clear answer or easy way to avoid risk. We just have to pick our poison. (It's so good that your pouch made it through!!!)
I think one of the MD's I spoke with would lean towards a cesarean and one towards a trial labor to see if we can get the baby out that way. Both gave me about a 70% chance of being able to do it and both said I could choose either way with the caveat that they would like me to be at a hospital where they can get a GYN-Oncologist there for a cesarean birth, should I need it. They both said these folks are very good surgeons for dealing with our particular little mix of GYN and gut stuff, plus they see abdomens that have been cut into a bunch all the time. (Yay!?)
The easiest place for us to have these docs on standby is Stanford, its a further drive for us, but so be it. That MD seemed more comfortable with letting me try to labor and they have a big team of MDs who have the GYN-ONC specialty. Good grief, I knew this was going to be complicated but wow! Plus of course, I have a fancy little collection of other issues
(I'm 40, my umbilical cord is connected into the side of the placenta rather than the center, etc etc). Luckily I am super healthy, the pregnancy has been pretty mellow for me so far (25weeks now!) and I never had any anal involvement before, so that is hopeful. Anyhow, we are going to try
and then of course roll with the punches.
Congratulations again and I would love to hear from everyone as things unfold. C
Cheers! Ellie G