Anyone else have a problem with high PTH, I have normal calcium and Vit D. I have seen it listed as a metabolic consequence of J-pouch but I can’t find anything about if it needs treatment? PTH increases to normalise calcium/vitamin D.
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A couple of other possibilities include low dietary calcium and kidney problems. It’s unusual to even know the PTH level without some reason for having measured it - how did it come to be tested? Are you eating/drinking enough calcium?
I had high PTH, but that was from the common cause of a benign parathyroid tumor, which generally messes up the calcium level. Surgical removal of the bad gland fixed it right up.
I’ve actually ha problems with low PTH. Not sure why, or if it’s associated with my j pouch and bowl resection. Doc isn’t worried about it - not enough to do anything about it. I’m taking a calcium supplement daily. Have you asked your doc?
I have Bile acid makabsorption and fat malabsorption and it can affect absorption of fat soluble vitamins. the theory is that the body compensates to keep calcium and vitamin levels by overproducing PTH.
For more on this topic at see linked discussion above.