I am 10 weeks post total colon removal. Planned takedown postponed to November due to Addison's disease diagnosis. Taking lomotil 4times daily. Still...almost always pure water output. Tried adding Imodium, eating brat diet, marshmellows, extra bread, pasta, etc. nothing seems to be helping. Taking 30 mg hydrocortisone due to Addison's. Getting more frustrated, depressed and fed up as I go. Can't seem to stay our of hospital longer than 2weeks due o dehydration from high output. I drink a minimum of 3 liters, yes 3 liters everyday. Avoid sugar, juices etc. but my output is 1-2 liters most days. For the last 3 days it has been about 150-300 ml every hour. Equaling a lot more than should be.
All that said what else might work. Desperate for ideas to thicken/slow dwn output. So very desperate.
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