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I have a hernia at the stoma site that doenst bother me but should be repaired.  At the time time, I want to have my scar revised since I have an indented scar and I am really unhappy with the way it looks.

Has anyone had both procedures done at the same time?

What is recovery/pain like?

Did your GI surgeon do the procedure or a plastic surgeon?

What method was used to repair the hernia?


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Yes, yes, and both.

I had a number of hernias repaired in both open and laparoscopic procedures.

I then turned to a plastic surgeon to reduce my scars (I had 9 on my belly including 3 old stoma sites) mainline was a disaster of nooks and crannies (think English muffins) and I had a fat pack on one side sitting directly over my active stoma that hid it from view. Not pretty at all.

So for my 50th I offered myself a redo.

It is not perfect. He fixed a small hernia, reduced 3 stomas to one scar, and pulled together the middle...lippoed out the right side to even things out and made things better..But not perfect...I needed 2 more procedures under local anesthetic to get something somewhat acceptable but I am not totally unhappy now...I will never wear a bikini on the beach but I no longer hide in the bathroom to change my nightie either. 


I had an incisional hernia at my closed ileostomy site repaired in November. I was done by a general surgeon who specializes in hernia repair. it was small but it was there. It was done as an open surgery since way to many previous surgeries he didn't want to do lapro. He used an 8x8 piece of poly mesh and did an onlay repair. it was over the muscle as opposed to under so it had less chance of coming in contact with intestine and causing more issues down the road. He revised the scar abit and looks better than it did. So far so good. Missed a week of work. although I am 4 months out from this surgery I still refuse to lift anything heavy. I don't want to deal with any more surgeries

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