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Hi all, this is my first time posting, though I have been actively reading the forums here since my takedown in May of 2015. I tried searching for solutions to my problem on the site, but the pain I am currently feeling is so severe that I wanted to start my own thread.

A little background: I had continuous bleeding for a couple weeks and had a flex sig on 6/29/15. My surgeon said he saw a small amount of inflammation at the connection of the cuff and prescribed hydrocortisone suppositories. I've taken these 2x/day for the past 6 days and will continue taking them until the two-week dose runs out.

Now onto my current problem. As today was Independence Day, there was a fair amount of celebrating with my family and I mistakenly ate to my heart's content (and to my gut's dismay). I had been eating very bland foods since my takedown (almost 7 weeks now), but today I let loose and ate fresh fruit, bok choi salad, a pulled pork sandwich with BBQ sauce and coleslaw, baked beans, lots of sweets, and a few alcoholic drinks. I did *not* take Questran before eating, and I think this may have been mistake number 1. Mistake number 2 would have been the excessive eating. Mistake number 3 was that I stopped using Desitin after my flex sig last week because I was feeling better. Up until the flex sig, I had been using it after every BM, every day for nearly 7 weeks. Today, possibly because of the food, or possibly because I spent a decent amount of time swimming with my nephews, I was in the bathroom way more than usual. My new normal is 5x/day, but today I went approx. 10 times. I think this increase in BMs stirred up some external hemorrhoids that I can now feel. Maybe I'm wrong.

Tonight when I got home, I experienced horrendous butt burn after a larger BM and generously applied Desitin, but was feeling an awful itch as well, so I also applied a dab of Preparation H Itch Cream and Preparation H Maximum Strength Pain Relief. Boy, was this a mistake. The burning instantly got WAY worse and I had to immediately attempt to wipe it all off. I used a hot washcloth for that. My attempt to wipe it off wasn't helping, so I ran a very hot bath (almost scalding -- too hot for my feet but just right for my aching bum). That provided as much relief as I could possibly have wanted. When I got into bed and was rolling around trying to find a comfortable position, it stirred up some gas, which I am not confident enough to let out without being on the toilet. I got up again, sat down in the bathroom, had another BM and the terrible butt burn was back. I got back into the tub and filled it with near-boiling water and felt better.

Here's the dilemma: I can't take a hot bath after *every* BM because it's just not practical. I'm about to go on two separate road trips, my wedding is coming up in a month, and baths tend to dry out my skin. Are there ways to replicate this relief without getting into a tub of water? A hot washcloth has usually been helping, but after my day of binge eating, it wasn't providing the kind of relief I needed. Should I take Questran now so that it "soaks up" whatever acid is left in there, to prevent butt burn? Or does it not work that way, and I just need to remember to take it before I eat?

Sorry my post is so long. Congrats if you got through the whole thing! I'm really looking for advice here -- anything you can suggest would be greatly appreciated!!

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I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable. Both the Questran and barrier creams work best at preventing problems. Time is the the most effective way to treat them once you're hurting (as long as you prevent more injury). I'd suggest you use the Questran and cream (heck, it sounds like a dessert!) faithfully as preventives and be patient (easy for me to say). If medicated creams are proving uncomfortable, plain old zinc oxide is incredibly mild. You have to have the cream on before the next BM or you'll just get more irritation. I hope you at least enjoyed the food. Good luck!

I just my ileo takedown on July 1st, and am now also going through the butt-burn issue. I was given a cream at the hospital, and have zinc oxide at home that I will use. Is the cream a deal for the rest of my life with the pouch, or is it just really through the beginning? Either way, I feel your pain Emmy. I had a burrito yesterday, and I think I paid for it the rest of the day. And nice french horn: I used to play trumpet, way back in the day lol

Hi, Emmy:

I had my takedown surgery a little over a month ago. I am now dealing with the butt burn and itching! It's terrible! I've been using some creams that I was given at the hospital but I haven't kicked the problem yet. I think I need to be more consistent and use it everytime I go. I haven't been monitoring my diet either. I'm still having a ton of BM's as well. I still have plenty to figure out but I hope to find something that works soon! Good luck!

Hi Megan,


I followed the suggestions of Scott F. above (thanks, Scott!!!) and definitely recommend asking your doctor about a bile acid sequestrant (Questran).  Once I started religiously using the Questran before eating, my butt burn pretty much disappeared.  I still have small bouts of it (I'm now almost 9 weeks post-takedown), but it's not nearly as bad as it was in the beginning.  The occasional times that I do experience it, it's mostly just burning coming out, but the skin is not burning.  


My other suggestion is to NEVER use dry toilet paper -- it causes tiny little scrapes and cuts that won't be healed by lathering on the Desitin.  I started using wet wipes exclusively about two weeks ago and it is a total game changer.  They make Scott brand and Cottonelle brand and there are also generic brands.  These can be found in the toilet paper aisle.  I've been using the flushable ones because it's nice to just throw it in the toilet after using.  I haven't needed to use Desitin for the last two weeks thanks to the wipes.  I was getting really tired of always having cream or paste on my butt!


I still haven't found a solution for the itching -- it's especially bad at night for me.  The Desitin seems to make it worse, so I gave up on that.  It's possible that the itching is coming from the leftover cuts and scrapes trying to heal.  I usually end up taking a couple ibuprofen before bed on particularly itchy nights.  


Hope you feel better soon!


Hello all - Hope you can help me with a question. My surgeon just got put me on Questran (wish this had happened much sooner). How long does it take to kick in and I notice a difference? I've only done four days. Thanks. AND MEGAN: Welcome to the wild and wacky world of J-pouches. This chat room/forum is a major source of information, knowledge, experience and compassion. Good luck. 

Hi Hockadoo,

I assume that it is different for everyone, but in my experience, the Questran kicked in right away. I noticed significantly less butt burn the day after taking my first dose. If you take it religiously before every meal, it should work consistently to eliminate butt burn. I've been on it for three months (my j-pouch is 4.5 months old) and there are still times when I have a burning BM, but those are the times when I've slacked on taking Questran.

Good luck!

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