I have a couple of moderately severe hemorrhoids. My surgeon was going to schedule a procedure to do something with them at the same time he does a corrective surgery on my pouch; however,he decided he wants to do a full endoscopy scope under general anesthesia first. I had a scope last week under local but he wants to do another scope to make sure he is aware of exactly what is going on with my entire pouch before scheduling any surgeries.
My next endoscopy isn't until June 25th. What is the best thing I can do for the hemorrhoids and the pain in the mean time? I am using Preparation H several times per day, using ointments and sitting in 1-2 baths per day but they are still bad and very painful. It is very difficult to make it through the day at work. By the time I am done working - I can barely sit on the car seat to get home it hurts so bad.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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