Hi, all. Any help would be appreciated. I had my j-pouch created 9/8 (takedown coming up late December), and I've had constant painful and bloody skin breakdown around my loop ileostomy since. I just can't get it to heal! I'm currently on a blood thinner (Eliquis) because I've had prior deep vein thromboses, which is probably exacerbating the bleeding. (Maybe it's inhibiting the healing, too...?) I'm changing the wafer *daily*, going back and forth between Eakin cohesive seals and stomahesive paste. I do the crusting technique with stoma powder and Allkare wipes/spray every time—but again, I can only seem to get about 24 hours max before I feel more stinging and go to change it again. Am I doing something wrong? Are there other products or techniques that might help me here? Thank you all so much in advance. I'm really loving this community.
P.S. I considered a picture as evidence but that seemed gory. Or are all of us in this cohort pretty used to this kind of gore by now, ha?