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I've just started back working out and I'm having real problems with recovery. I used to use protein shakes before my third op' and it was fine. But now that I don't have the bag it goes straight through me and is causing me to go to the toilet alot.(which cause's alot of irritation) Was wondering if anybody has come up with a better way to take protein or anything else for recovery after exercise? Any info would be great thanks
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I find that protein shakes go right through me as well. I have tried a couple of different things.

First I tried taking Lomotil or immodium before I drink the shake. That way my system doesn't process it as fast.

Second, I have switched to protein bars which have the same amount of protein but doesn't process as fast.
Have you tried mixing it with peanut butter and or eating a marshmallo to help slow digestion? I found that helps to slow/reduce my j pouch output (which I know is different than a bag). You may have to use a blender but its definitely worth it. I found that a QUALITY protein makes a huge difference when you have a compromised GI tract. It took me a few years but I found a company that makes some really powerful, tasty, easily digested protein powders called Intek evolution. I'm not trying to preach but that protein supplement has helped me substantially through tough times. If lomotil is not available, it might be a good idea to take an immodium before you drink your protein. If those don't work you can always switch to taking BCAA's.
Maybe taking in your protein in incremental doses will help. I had a reverse iliostomy three years ago. To get quick protein, I take a liquid protein "shot". I've found if I drink around 10 grams of protein at a time it's not so hard on my system and I'll drink the next 10 grams later. The one I use is a whey protein that I bought at GNC, I've also found them at health food stores and Wal-Mart (pharmacy section).
If I did use protein drinks I only got the medical grad, Unjury (can only buy it on their site). The stuff in stores is not really good for you and I question how much the body will absorb instead of just empty calories and sugar funneling through.

For all natural, spirulina is the highest grade of protein the body can absorb. I usually sprinkle some in a shake if I ever make one. My go to is Avocado, almond milk, almonds, spirulina and honey.

Otherwise I try to keep boiled eggs around, boiled doesn't give me gas, eggs prepared any other way rips through my guts. I also make chicken salad and keep it on hand in my fridge and snack on it through out the day. If I want to avoid mayo I use mashed up avocado instead. but I think best way to get protein is by eating it.

I olympic weight lift and do crossfit. For electrolytes I drink coconut water.

I have the same issues. I would love to drink potein shakes and I either use one that has no nairy or soy, but Rice mixture. Regardless of that, it also goes right threw me.


What protein bars do you take? I went to a health food store fine some protein bars that did not have milk, or Soy, Soy produces Kidney Stones for me.
Because of a few bowel obstructions, I lost 40 pounds total after the reversal and was underweight. I was taking ensure and muscle milk to try to gain weight, but that really caused my frequency to go up after reversal. Now, I'm eating those extra protein clif bars, and that's really working. Also, I eat a lot of natural protein from nuts and meat - so between those things, I've gained back about 10 pounds. Yay!
My nutritionist suggested PlantFusion which is all plant based. I take an Imodium before I drink it as while it provides 43% of the daily required protein I use fruits along with a banana each day. It is hypo allergenic so there is no whey in it which is in a lot of protein shakes. No nuts etc. You can buy it at health food stores and/or on line. If you go to their website and enter your zip code it will call up the retail sites you can purchase it from where you live.
I'm 7 years post all in one surgery (no bag). At first I couldn't tolerate shakes but no I am fine. No increased output.

Give it time and as your body accepts your new plumbing then you will be able to slowly increase.

I take codeine for slowing output. 8 per day and I couldn't live without them. Not from a dependency point of view but they cut my BMs in half. I would recommend them to anyone.

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