Saturday was my nephews birthday, i gave myself too much freedom probably, i had a coke which i find out i no longer like, drank half of it, had some mild salsa with a nice bite to it. I admit i did not drink a heck of alot that day coupled with sweating..well sunday i woke up and was fine but then it gradually started these Horribly loud rumblings in my stomach, when i go to the bathroom there is very little coming out, i can pass the gas when im lying on my stomach, i was also having horrible cramps last night which could have been gas pains, this morning i have those cramps again, not as much, and still very little when i go to the bathroom. is this a minor blockage? i drank a good bit of fluids yesterday, including a glass of grape juice that did nothing, and even a tablespoon of Milk of magnesia, I'm at work now and def wont be staying if i can help it. just so unsure of what this is, i have surgery coming up on August 5th to go back to an ostomy for awhile.
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