I am done with 2/3 surgeries and my j-pouch should be done by the end of this year. I am a 22 yo male who has been very ill for 4 years and I still feel terrible. I suffer from chronic fatigue, a lot of pain when eating and a lot more. I don’t feel like there is any hope of getting better and I was wondering if there could be something more serious going on or an additional illness?
I have gone through all the standard treatment (5-ASA, 6 rounds of prednison, 4 immune suppressive drugs and Imuran x2). I am meeting my doctor this month and I am not sure what to tell her. I will be honest and say that I don’t feel like there is any hope since I am only getting worse and to live with all this pain for so long is unbearable. Any advice on what to say/do?
I am aware that it’s normal to feel worse while going through surgeries, but I feel absolutely awful and have been this way since the start when I got diagnosed at 18.