I'm desperately looking for help/ideas for my husband. He was diagnosed with UC when he was 21, nothing helped, and he got a j-pouch. It was nothing but trouble, and after a series of unsuccessful surgeries to fix things, he ended up with a permanent ileostomy. Unfortunately, the surgeon picked a bad place to site the stoma, and ultimately he had to have the stoma re-sited. He had a decent 2 years, but things have gone downhill again. He has been suffering from an endless number of partial food-obstructions which don't seem to show on the CT scans and MRIs that the surgeon keeps ordering. Everyone knows there is something wrong, but unless it can be visualized, no one wants to operate on him (and we don't disagree). On January 2nd he is having an outpatient procedure because he has developed an absesse and infection under his old stoma site, and everyone is hoping that clearing that up might help him. But in the meantime, we are wondering what other non-surgical options there are for preventing food-based partial obstructions. He already does not eat fruits, vegetables or nuts, drinks a lot of liquids each day, cuts his food into small pieces and chews well. Does anyone have any other suggestions of things to try?
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