Hi there.
I have had UC for 13 years, and finally in December after a severe flare and having a bad reaction to infliximab/remicade I had the Stage 1 surgery (subtotal colectomy with mucous fistula, laproscopic)
It has been 4 weeks since the op and I am doing pretty good. I get a daily discharge from the rectum but its controlled so doesnt bother me for now.
My stoma output is pretty solid (well porridgey).
I am already starting to eat some veg and fruit with no problems, just a bit of extra gas.
Also I am doing light jogging and am easing back into work.
Although wearing a bag is not ideal, if I had to live with it permanently it wouldn't be a problem. I do have to empty it quite often, say 7/8 times during the day and once or twice at night, but then i do have a good appetite.
so my questions:
is the number of times you empty your stoma bag indicative of the number of times you go with a j pouch?
also i can have my last meal (dinner) at say 8pm, and my bag is still filling up at 9am, before i have had breakfast. Is a 13 hour total transit time common?
I have done plenty of reading on jpouch vs perm ileostomy.
I am still keeping an open mind to this but if I had to choose now I am leaning towards the j pouch just because I may regret it if i don't give it a try...
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