Hello Everyone, I've read a good majority of your posts while I was waiting for my membership to be approved and I am so glad I came across this site! I write this as I sit in a hospital in Munich, Germany after I could no longer insert my catheter into my BCIR. Of course, they didn't have a clue what to do so thank God for Dr. Rehnke who was available to look at my CT's and offer advise.
I was really panicking (and still am to a certain extent) because nobody has even heard of a BCIR here in Germany. They are barely familiar with a Koch pouch... Add to that the God complex that most doctors here have and it makes for medical help that doesn't want to learn about something new because they know everything anyway.
Alright, that's enough of that rant! I've had my BCIR for 14 years and was operated on by Dr. Pollock at Palms of Pasadena. It's been wonderful except several months ago I started having some very minor incontinence which I attributed to "rest particles" being left in the neck of the pouch. That was followed by occassional difficulties inserting the catheter and then, the night before last (after a huge meal and several hours before I even attempted to empty) I could not get the catheter in at all. It was like hitting a wall. I tried lying down, boiling the catheter to soften it, putting my foot on the tub. All the while my very full pouch was becoming very uncomfortable. Finally, around 2 am I woke up my husband and told him I needed to go to the hospital.
Once there, we had the usual circus of trying to explain exactly what I have and what the problem is... Because it was the middle of the night they only had the most inexperienced doctors available. This actually turned out to be a good thing. We had the sweetest doctor, just 6 months out of med school, who hadn't been on the job long enough to become jaded. She actually read the BCIR materials I brought with me (I came prepared) and understood immediately how serious my condition was. Around 6 am she was finally able to convince the GI to get out of be and come scope me. You would think that would be the end of the nightmare but they had me hooked up to some sort of bag thing whose nozzle was too narrow for the outflow. By the time I was able to convince them to at least try and irrigate me, I had been blocked for circa 24 hours. Not fun.
So, at the moment, all is good and everything seems to be functioning though my insides feel like they got run over by a truck. Dr. Rehnke said I should leave a 30 FR Foley in my pouch for 2 weeks to straighten out my valve but they don't carry that at my hospital. I've tried googling but to no avail. They are common as daisies in the States but not in Europe. I guess that's my first question... Does anyone know where I can get one in Europe? And if not a 30 FR Foley, something similar?
I've had a look at the master list of BCIR surgeons and it doesn't look like anyone is left here in Europe at all... I no longer have American insurance and so I have no idea what I am going to do if my slipped valve doesn't repair itself.
In one of the posts I read that someone's surgeon flew over to France... how did you happen to arrange that-- short of having a sheik sponser his expenses?
Are there any other BCIR people living in Europe? If so, what have you done when you've had a problem?
I look forward to your responses.