I have been searching this site and the internet for a few days now trying to find out info that may be similar to the symptoms I’ve been having, but haven’t had much luck. Hoping I can get some information by posting here....
A couple of weeks ago I was having a hard time having a BM. I would get the urgency to go, but very little would happen. I would get up from the commode only to have to sit back down because the urgency feeling would happen again. I have a dilator, at the request of my doctor, that I tried on a daily basis thinking that maybe I had a stricture. It seemed to help only slightly. Days later I started to have major rumbles in my gut that were painful and again I would get that urgency feeling with little result. It felt as if I had a big gas bubble in my pouch, but couldn’t pass any gas from my rear. Instead the gas would pass through a fistula that I’ve been living with for years. Small amounts of stool would also pass from my fistula as well, which is nothing new. It usually drains. I had some unused Cipro that I figured I’d try. Being that I had less than two weeks worth, I split the pill in half, taking 250 mg in the a.m. and 250 mg in the p.m. The gassy pains have stopped, but now I have this ache which feels to be right above my anus and a feeling of weight/pressure there also. It aches more when I use the restroom. My BM’s are a little better, but I still feel a little constipated. Maybe that could be from the Cipro??? I also feel tired and just “blah”!
Has anyone else had issues with an ache and heaviness in their rear? I welcome any input you may have, thanks!