Hi all,
Just had my 1st scope since take down 13 months ago as I was complaining of 8-10 BMs a day, small incomplete explosive quantities, & loose stool (better with Pysllium). All looks good & healthy, no stenosis, a tiny bit of blood, biopsies taken & am awaiting a detailed report.
So why so many BMs? I seem to go from 7 days good without explosions & incompleteness then 7 bad but always the same BMs. Could it be mild Pouchitis or bacterial overgrowth that comes & goes, I took antibiotics twice & had 3-5 BMs but had some side effects. Recently I took 1 x 250g Cipro x 2 per day for 3 days which had an immediate effect, I stopped because of the scope. I’ve tried VSL3 with no noticeable effect. Taken great care with diet but can’t pinpoint anything.
The explosive nature might be gas due to excess bacteria which prevents full emptying.
To me it all indicates to mild Pouchitis & excess bacteria. Maybe more time is needed for the pouch to adapt but the next bad period I’m going to experiment with short courses of Cipro, any thoughts on this regime? I know of another member, Mike March who follows this way.