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Take down in 4 days.  And you all have really helped me just by reading.  But today is just one of those days.  I want the take down. Exhausted from this loop and its grumpiness, but had my first accident a few days ago, at night.  I feel like I am draining large amounts of mucous 6-10 Times a day again....and I don't know.  I am just over it. The whole dysplasia diagnosis changed everything and I am happy to see another day but I am starting to focus on not pooping on myself during the day imean WTH, I am not even reconnected yet. Pickup the kids, don't poop yourself.  Cooking dinner, don't poop yourself.  Bending over to clean, don't poop yourself.  Is this budding anxiety? I was having pelvic floor spasms and finally got that stopped, now I am I too relaxed? Arrg!!! Damn I am so scared, frustrated and sad. Sigh.
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Take a deep breath...

Yes, you are stressed, yes you are nervous and yes there will be moments when things do not go right but for the most part and the great majority of us have happy, healthy and cooperative pouches.

You may need to do exercises, deep breathing, yoga and other exercises until you get full control back but unless you have a real sphincter problem or other similar longterm problem you should be ok.

Just understand that befores & afters are not the same. 

One bridge at a time...


Your body has been through so much! I had a lot of control issues before takedown as well, I remember vividly leaving a trail from my bed through the room, into the laundry area and to the bathroom.... It was as if my butt thought I might not remember how to get back to my bed. Kegel exercises helped me a lot, I've only had a hand full of accidents since takedown (almost 13 years ago). If you still feel like you're having a lot of problems after your takedown then I would head back to your surgeon and see if they have and advice for you. Hang in there! 

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