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Several days ago I posted about what I thought might be scar tissue in my abdomen- a hard, swollen lump. Once my temperature went over 100, I contacted my surgeon, who saw me yesterday. A CT scan showed there was a pocket of fluid- yes, an abscess- in the area. By that point I pretty much knew that's what was going on, I felt the same way I did with the other abscess I have had, just to a lesser degree. So, in his office, my surgeon stuck a needle in to drain out some of the nasty pus to be sent to the lab, and then made a small cut so as to insert an itty bitty drain in there (all after a local anesthetic, of course.) I will hopefully be doing much better when I see him next week and he can take the drain out. I am also on oral antibiotics until then.

What has been your experience with abscesses? I had one inside near my pouch that had to be drained twice, and now this one. I'm hoping it does not recur...

Also, how long after surgery are we prone to this sort of thing happening? I don't really understand why this is happening now, 8 weeks post-takedown.
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I was home for 3 weeks after colectomy, before experiencing a low grade fever (99-100 degrees F), and extreme pain near my left shoulder blade whenever I would lay down. Sitting or standing was fine, but laying down was horrible.

I ended up in the hospital for 10 days with that abcess - it had taken up residence right next to my spleen. Thankfully not on the spleen itself.

My surgeon had discussed the possibility of abscess, of course, after my first surgery. And like most surgeons - she and her residents downplayed it like it was no big deal. She told me to keep a lookout for infection since they had a "spill" during surgery (colon tore and fluid spilled in my abdomen). She said they rinsed and cleaned it really well, but she was not surprised when the abscess appeared. The thing that did surprise her was that it took 3 weeks - they expect them to start causing symptoms in the first week. She commented that she believed the prednisone I was on was masking some of symptoms.

So, very possible this abscess has been busy for a while in you without knowing it. Either that, or you have a small leak in the pouch somewhere. I would be pushing for tests to confirm that possibility.

The infectious disease docs cultured the abscess and found a common bacteria (Enterococcus) and a fungus. They attacked it with IV Vancomycin (would have used Augmentin if I wasn't allergic), Diflucan and a drain. Unfortunately, the abscess was pocketed and didn't drain well. They tried breaking things up via injection and that helped. Because it was close enough to my lungs, I collected some fluid which caused my surgeon to be extremely cautious prior to discharge. They tried aspirating the pleural cavity of the fluid, but really didn't get anything out. I went home, stayed active, used my spirometer, took my IV antibiotics (different one than Vanco) and healed up over a month's time.

I hadn't thought about the possibility of a leak... the other abscess I had was presumably caused by a small leak in my pouch; I spent 10 days in the hospital as well, that first time. Only 5 days the second time. This abscess is a couple of inches below where my stoma was, on the right (my right) side of my abdomen. I'm still experiencing some pain today, though nothing crazy... really, really hoping this drain and antibiotic- Augmentin- kick it in the butt. I will ask my surgeon more detailed questions about the origin of this infection when I see him next week- I was just so relieved yesterday that I wasn't being admitted, I forgot to ask the important questions.
Hi. My daughter had a presacral abscess after her pouch redo in May. She kept complaining about a low grade fever every day and no one was concerned at all. Then two weeks after surgery her daily fever went up to 102.8 and into the ER we went. She was in the hospital for 5 days with a drain (through the butt cheek) and first Iv and then oral augmentin. After 5 days they checked and it had collapsed and they took the drain out. That drain was so painful for her and she has a high tolerance to pain.

Best wishes for a quick recovery!
So last night I changed the gauze covering my itty bitty drain, and noticed a big, bubble-like bump on my midline incision, a few inches away from the drain. And, there was pus oozing from the spot, through the skin. So gross. I contacted my surgeon immediately, and had to go back to see him today. He opened the area and pulled out some stuff, and left it open to drain until it heals from the inside out. Also, they had sent a culture of some gunk from the other day to the lab, and it came back as some sort of staph, which my doctor said means it didn't come from my bowels or anything, as that is a skin infection. Nice to know there's no leaking happening. My pouch is doing great, actually. Anyway, I'm just so ready to live an uneventful life for awhile! Haha...

beckysmom- It's kind of a shame that the medical community won't admit there's anything wrong until your temperature gets above 100. I also was told I might end up with the drain in the butt cheek during my last hospitilization for an abscess- thankfully it was enough for them to just drain it (using a needle through the butt cheek, actually.) Thank you for the recovery wishes!

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