Hey everyone....I just have a few questions. First, let me start by giving the basics. I had my first surgery (total colectomy) in 2007 and my final JPouch take down in 2010. Since then, things have been relatively good I suppose. At least what I consider good! Over the years, I’ve learned that I can not eat raw fruits and veggies, I can’t even eat cooked to mush veggies sometimes. Beans cause an issue. And I’ve noticed that any time I have any sort of pressure on my abdomen, it causes digestion to slow to almost a halt causing discomfort.
throughout all these years, I have not seen a GI at all. I never really as issues that made me think I should go see one. Now I’m wondering if that has not been a smart idea.
lately, I’ve noticed that I’m bloated a lot more often than I would call normal. The discomfort that I would get from wearing clothes that apply even the slightest bit of pressure to my abdomen has increased. I’ve also noticed that I have pain in my lower abdomen when I use the restroom. I don’t really know how to describe the pain other than mildly sharp if I push.
Any guidance from you all would be very much welcomed!!
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