For the 3rd time in recent months I have been patted down by an agent because something shows up on the scanner (the scanner where you stand and hold your hands up--I have tsa pre check) When I come out of the scanner and look at the picture of the scan there is a HUGE yellow area showing up where my k-pouch is located (completely across my abdomen). I do not wear a patch, instead I fold a thin washcloth along the stoma. When they start asking if I have anything in my pockets, I just usually say I have an ostomy bag. At some airports that is enough. Yesterday in Denver they said something showed up on my hands and shoes! (when they swiped with small paper--which is what they do when the yellow area shows up on their scanner). Then I had to go to a private room and be patted down again! I'm not sure if the hand and shoe issue had anything to do with the k-pouch. But they would not have done the hand and shoe swipe if their scan did not show the pouch area. (this took an extra 20 minutes because they had to find a supervisor!) I wanted to ask questions--but was afraid to say anything!
I hope you understand how i explained the situation. I just wonder if anyone else has been stopped by their pouch. I might just start wearing a patch next time I go through an airport.