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I've heard about people putting VSL#3 in an enema of sorts. Gets the good bacteria where you need it Wink Yogurt really doesn't have a lot of bacteria in it compared to pure bacteria. There's OTC ones that are less expensive. Please find the attached link. It recommends different companies you might want to check out. Let us know how things work for you Smiler a Probiotic
At one point in '99 when I was having severe and chonic problems (constant cysts) I tried seawater (they said that it had healing properties) then yoghurt and goodness knows what else...nothing helped on the level that I did it (I have a k pouch so I just swished everything in there with a syringe...Easy)...I guess if you wanted to inject probiotics it would be easier to use what is in a capsule rather than pure yoghurt but I am not sure if it a very good idea...this is a Jan question).
Good luck with it but be sure to make sure that you are not doing more harm than good to yourself.
I suppose there would be no harm in it. A few people here have tried it, but I've never seen anyone come back and claim any significant or lasting results. You are probably just as well off rinsing daily with a tap water enema and taking oral probiotics. Yogurt is a great, nutritious food, but it does not contain enough probiotics to colonize.

Jan Smiler

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