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Hi all

I have a lot of trouble emptying and usually end up straining so hard that I make myself dizzy. Lately the muscles in my bottom and legs are so sore which I think is from the straining. It also hurts intensely when the urge hits. Maybe it's sore from all the straining?

My stools are almost always formed.

I am on entocort for inflammation as antibiotics don't work.

I take lomotil 3-4 x per day to try to reduce the BMs.

I thought the formed stool was a good thing but maybe not.

Any advice?
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Formed stools are not the goal if they are making you strain. I was told not to strain with a j-pouch. Please cut back on your lomitol one a day until you are no longer straining. It is easier for me to pass looser stools and empty my pouch than to strain as it doesn't feel like I empty my pouch entirely when I strain. I think you will feel a lot better without straining.
Mom2panda: what do you mean by "formed?"

For me, formed is about the consistency of oatmeal. I think your stools are too formed to be good.

Straining with a J-Pouch can cause it to prolapse.

I'd stop taking anything that slows down your system and add in things that will pass through.

If you need to "form up" your stool, consider adding more fiber instead of an anti-diarrhea medication.

If Jan's right about a fissure, maybe you caused that with the straining?

Anyway, I think your root cause is that your stool is too well formed. For me, the best formed stool looks about the consistency oatmeal. . .almost liquid, almost solid.

Good luck!
Thanks everyone!

I have stopped taking lomotil today at your suggestions. I am going quite often - and it is still formed, but a bit less so than before.

To answer some of your questions:

1. When I say my stool is formed, I mean formed solid like a normal person - although in smaller pieces.

2. The straining is both voluntary and involuntary. It feels like there is inflammation there for sure. The area is irritated from the BM and then comes the involuntary straining.

Perhaps if the stools move easier, the inflammation will calm down?

I have had pretty formed stools - and frequent - since pretty early after my take down so I never really realized it was a bad thing until recently after reading some posts.

I guess I'll see how it goes off the Lomotil. I am getting other symptoms of inflammation like fatigue and joint point. If it doesn't clear up, I'll go to my Dr. Not sure what she will do though since the antibiotics are not good for me...

Thanks of listening!
The other suggestion I'd offer is to increase water intake. It might not help, but it's sure worth a try.

FWIW, soft, formed stools are probably fine when everything's working right, so stool consistency may not have anything to do with the problem. You definitely don't want to cross the line to brick production, though.

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