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Hello! I'm generally good nowadays, i study full time and now in the summer i work full time in construction. I go to the toilet about 8 times each day.

However, i get really hungover when i've had lots to drink the night before. I usually get really really tired and lay and sleep all day. I think i get more hungover than normal people because of the general effects of alcohol are boosted in us with j-pouches - i think i get even more dehydrated and that is what causes the severe hangovers.

It's still worth it, but it takes more of a toll on me than on my study-buddies for example.

What are your experiences? What do you think?
Original Post
I am not a bigger drinker but I do enjoy some wine with friends from time to time. I ALWAYS wake up now with a throbbing headache from it. Never used to happen before. But it just seems to be with wine so it is probably the sulfates in it that I am now sensitive too. I haven't noticed anything different with mixed drinks.

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