I lost most of my hair by age 35 and I have been cleanshaving my head for a long time now. I have been told I have a good head for a clean shave (it's geometrically proportional), so I don't mind it any more. It also saves money on barbers and shampoo and other hair maintainance costs- which can be extensive and ridiculous. I can use the savings to pay for all of my many pouchitis meds.
For a woman it's a different issue, I suppose, unless you are a Sinead O'Connor fan. These days Sinead seems to be going with the Marine stubble look. In my case stubble is no good because my hair is still dark brown creating a shadow on my head if allowed to grow more than a day or two. It's not a good pattern on my head, so it has to be shaved.
During my recent cancer treatment I made multiple trips to a cancer hospital and saw many bald women there. I assumed that their hair loss was due to their cancer treatment.