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Good morning!

I've noticed over the past week or so that I'm losing a lot of hair. Has this happened to anyone before? If so, what were the causes and what did you do to correct the problem? I feel like it's something to do with surgery/the pouch because this didn't start until well after my surgery. For me, colon removal was Nov. 2nd and takedown was Dec. 28th, so it's been close to two months since my last surgery.

Thank you!
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oh yes.. just about the right time for you to be losing hair. Search on here, I believe there are other posts on this. Basically your body focuses on sending its "nutrition" to critical areas, before "vanity" areas! So your hair is not a necessity, so when you are sick, or suffering from surgery trauma.. your hair doesn't get attention from your body.
Few tips, cut it short and accept it for awhile. Eat healthy, take your vitamins, have your doctor do full nutrition profile, e tc.. to make sure you are not depleted on anything - iron, B12, Vit D,.. full profile.

Also,.. for many of us, after our hair has fallen out in clumps.. it has actually grown back in much thicker and fuller. That's something to look forward to!
hang in there. It will get better.
Oh yes! I looked like a plucked chicken for quite a while. Not my best moment. I went to see my dermatologist who suggested 5 minute scalp massages (with the head down if you can manage it: like leaning over into the tub to wash your hair) under warm water with H&S helps to clear out the folicles of gunk and stimulates the growth (zinc oxyide?)...any way, it was cheap, easy and worked wonders...5 years later my hair has gone back to its usual think mass (just not curly any more!) the way, you also need to take extra care with your skin and nails, they pay the same toll as your hair. My trick is to use a good, cheap facial scrub on the face and surface of the hands (gently please), rince and then massage cream rince into the cuticles, toes, hands while washing my hair (when putting it on my hair) and letting it sit...afterwards I avoid sticky hair stuff, use a drop of oil and massage the leftover into the cuticles too. (saves time and money)
I lost hair after my surgeries but didn't need to cut it as I have enough hair for several people. Still it is scary to clog the shower drain - it's a big drain!

My thyroid was out of wack, and I'm still all over the board with it. It also contributed to my hair loss lasting longer. I mention this as along with those important D, B-12 and other blood tests please check to see if they are checking your thyroid too.

Mine grew back same texture and colors. Yes colors, I have platinum (white) hair around my face and light ash blonde everywhere else. I used a conditioning dandruff shampoo and quit coloring my hair. No one told me to quit coloring it but I figured it wasn't helping.
Yes cassiecass and I had 3 surgeries in 8 months as 6 months post take down he had to completely reopen my incision to fix a large incisional hernia!

I hope you thyroid is finally under control. Just when I thought mine was it's out of whack again. I've been at every possible dose between 175 and 88 and my readings have gone from .03 to the last time 4.7 when the range is .3 to 4.0, or something close to that. I was receiving too much medication which is just as bad as not enough. I don't know how I managed to loose so much weight with it all messed up. I'm due for my next 6 week test and if it is still a problem I'm going to request further testing or go back to see my endocrinologist.
Thank you all for the responses! That makes me feel better about the situation to know I'm just not losing my hair for no reason at the ripe old age of 29...I will try some of the things that were suggested and see if they help. I'm not vain by any means, but I hate thinking people can see the little areas on my head that are thin on hair! Smiler
Quite Common!

I too lost hair after each of my 3 surgeries. Really freaked me out after the first one when I came back with fists full of hair while washing it! I thought for sure I would be bald by the last one, but I wasn't. It's been 6 months since the last one and my hair is growing back in nicely. I know it helps to know your not alone!!

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