Blair, you are funny! Yes, endoscopy is a trauma, so it is not something to do willy-nilly for no reason. My final flare after 23 years of UC began within a month or two of a surveillance colonoscopy. Could be coincidence...
That is also why I don't think we should be scoped every time there is a symptom. Once they've seen what is going on in there, you don't need to look at it every few weeks to see if the treatment is working. You can sort of tell by your symptoms.
But, surveillance is necessary, even if your pouch is great, particularly if it has been 10 years or more since a UC diagnosis, or if you have prior findings of dysplasia or cancer. There still is not a consensus on the frequency. At first, they were swearing you needed annual checks, or more. Then it was 2-5 years. Now, with increasing findings of dysplasia and cancer (still very small) as more and more aging pouches exist, they are starting to think annual again. I feel comfortable with 18 month intervals, unless I have a rough year.
I'm sure recommendations will continue to evolve.