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Hi, all,

It was my first time seeing my stool like green running tap water.

I believe it is bile. Is it some serious that need to be concerned about, or not a big deal?

Another thing is I am toggled from running water to constipation. It is hard to manage. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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Have you tried pepto? Tums for the heart burn if needed and pepto to slow you down a bit..Also charcoal tablets help with the severe may have a bug that seems to be going around so keep very hydrated including apple juice, sweet tea and honey...But the toggeling could also be a sign of a partial blockage...When things are blocked it slows down and once the blockage opens up it runs like water...any fever? Cramping or aches other than the 'normal'?
Thanks all.

Yes you were right, due to the server abdominal pain, I decided to go to emergency room and was admitted to be hospital.

The abdominal pain killed me, I used 4 dosage of pethidinet through IV. However, after x ray and CT, the doctor decided that I do not need to go for emergency surgery.

Starting this morning, situation getting stabilized...

This is my theriry:

My body generated excessive bile. Then due to the blockage, it went upwards. That's where it caused Abdominal pain.

Because the CT, I took 3 cups of lique, and that cleaned the blockage. Slowly it gets better.

Once again, thank you very much for your support, I Would be totally lost with you guys.

J guy
Last edited by Guy with j pouch
No, no problem as far as I know...I had mine taken out in March and other than no longer feeling the horrible pain, all is well Smiler.
The only warning that I recieved for my post op life was to avoid eating too much fat in my meals (I don't eat fried foods) and the fact that once it is out and you are feeling better you tend to eat more and gain weight because you are no longer in pain.

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