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Hi guys,

I've currently got an ileostomy and i am hoping to one day have the j pouch procedure done, at the moment i still pass some blood from the back passage and after doing loads of searching in the internet i came across the idea of green juice. The idea is that by drinking these juices (things like cabbage, kale, spinach, pears, apples, and loads more) that the body turns alkaline and not acidic and apparently reduces or even eradicates inflamation in the bloody, I havnt tried this but would really like to has anyone tried this? and did it help?

Also has anyone tired this juice diet or just generally has anyone done a smoothie or juice diet with a j pouch? did it help? or is it even possible?

Thanks guys
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I have heard different things about juicing and "green goo" and various other liquid diets. Some very good and other neutral but according to my rhumatologist 'it couldn't hurt' but he does not guarantee that it will help either. It will 'detox' your body and that may un-swell you and reduce some inflammation but it does not 'cure' any underlying disease as far as I know.
I have done liquid diets my whole life, some voluntary and others medically required due to pouch problems and yes, I honestly do feel better when I live on fluids but I cannot live that way forever so I go back to 'normal' eating and the problems come right back.
Hope that this helps

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