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I had UC for 16 years, then had my colon removed 36 years ago and was given a j-pouch.  I have had pouchitis almost since the beginning.  Because of the way the pouch was constucted I have had a very small opening at the anus.   I have used various meds including cipro, flagyl, all which  became ineffective overtime.  Many other things didn't work from the beginning because of side effects.  Over the last year  I have done acupuncture 3x a week. At first it was just symptom relief ie I had much less cramping & could empty the pouch more easily.   This week I had a pouchoscopy/sigmoidoscopy.   My GI doctor was surprised how much better it looked this year than last year.  Last year I had three areas of ulceration; this year just one.  Without any other treatment, I assume it must be due the acupuncture. Trt has involved about an hour three times a week  & considerable money.   I got a reduction thru my health plan & my acupuncturist reduced the fee slightly because I was coming so often. At $170 a week it has been worth it and I will continue because the pouchoscopy suggested that acupucture actually caused physical/functional changes to the pouch.  I had no side effects from treatment.    I am finally gaining some weight as well. Problems: I haven't been traveling because cortenemas which I used to use short term no longer work. I still have gas & bloating & the pouchitis hasn't disappeared completely.  My diet is limited--no dairy, no raw fruits & vegetables, avoids sweets etc.   I will keep you posted.



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