I have not been here on a while and that is good news for me since it is because I have been doing well after years of struggle. That being said I am in need of some advice.
Like most of us here I have limited what I do around bathrooms. I can't go out unless I know there is someplace clean to "go". I have been out to eat and upon visting the bathroon decided to take a chance rather than..well you know.
I feel that I miss out on a lot because of this and don't get invites from friends as often. I did get one yesterday to go to a cabin in New Hampshire at the end of April. The only way to get there is by a very short boat ride and then the only facilities is a private out house.
There will be all adult men and there is no heat, lights etc. I am afraid that I will be a cog in the wheel if they want to do something that I am not comfortable with. I will not know everyone who will be there and the thought of getting up in the middle of the night fending off skunks or worse to go use the bathroom may not be great fun. I hate that I have to even think like this but it could be worse.
So what would you do? I finally get an invite again after years of people forgetting about me because they know I was sick. I want to throw caution to the wind but I don't want to end up regretting it either. I miss being able to do things like this but it is certainly not a life changer either.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have receied and tried to give support over the years and this site has been enormously helpful.
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