Not sure if anyone finds this as an issue, but thought I'd ask. I'll start by saying that I had colitis at 15 with removal and ileostomy. Then a year later, I had the next 2 surgeries to create JPouch and close ileostomy. I am now in my mid to late 40s. I am so grateful for these surgeries. I've had a few cases of pouchitis over the years but overall doing ok.
My biggest issue living with JPouch is that every time we go to someone else's house, I sit and worry if I can hold it in, or when can I go to the washroom and is it located near where we are hanging out (e.g. need lots of background noise so no one hears) . It's so embarrassing. I try and not eat too much and try to calculate when we are leaving (if I can hold it...but usually I can't). I much prefer when friends or family come to us so I can use the washroom upstairs (or a restaurant but then have to hope no one comes with me when I leave to use the washroom).
Anyone else find this an issue? Or is it just me?