MaryMomof 3,
How are you doing today? Is it calming down? Is it getting worse? Has the ileus resolved yet?
All of my original surgeries up until 2007 went well post op with no ileus (I had over a dozen) only problem was healing and dehyssing.
In 2007, 10 days post op and just as I was starting to feel better, I got a (what I thought) was an obstruction after eating a bagel. It may have been my 1st ileus, will never know.
24hrs of hell at home alone and terrified until my uncle drove me to ER....they thought that I was a beaten wife! All of the bruises from the heprin shots on my arms and me holding my gut and vomitting!
They grabbed me, put in an I.V and waited for it to pass. I was lucky that it did within N.G. tube but no bagels since either. Had another one the next day. Stayed on fuids after that for a very long time and after every surgery.
Since then each surgery has brought me an ileus (is it a rule? once you get one they keep coming back???)
Here in France some surgeons put the NG tube in automatically in O.R. (at least you don't suffer the hell of feeling them put it in) and leave it in for 1 week of torture (fine, no ileus or at least I didn't notice any) but the N.G. here sounds like an old fashioned vaccum cleaner in your face and head for a week. I cried the whole time.
The blood that you are getting could be from the N.G. tube and the irritation that it caused going in or rubbing does happen. It is really a question of a choice between 2 evils, vomitting or relief and N.G....but honestly, in spite of the fact that I hate the N.G. tubes with a passion when you have an obstruction or ileus you need it...your body is creating gastric juices and you need to keep things calm in there...until it wakes up...
I have never found a solution to them but walking around helps to a certain degree.
I get regular obstrucions and walking, stretching a bit, bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet etc seems to help a tiny bit...
All my prayers that this horror passes quickly and that you can get back to the job of healing.