I am 30yr old and lived with a temporary iliostomy since I was 18. I never had any thoughts of getting the reversal because I was just happy to be healthy and I wanted to have children. The risks seemed too high for me to put myself back in the hospital. I got married and had two kids during those 12 yrs and still was very healthy other then a few blockages once and awhile.
This past Christmas I had a blockage that sent me to the ER with an overnight stay. I had a hernia under my stoma that was causing me to get blockages. The doctors were advising me to either move my site to the other side and repair the hernia or go for the jpouch.
Everything seemed to be pulling in the way of the jpouch. I never thought I would have to decide to go forward with the reversal but I like knowing the option was there.
I went in for the jpouch this past march. It has been rough ever since. The recovery was hard for the first 2 weeks. I wanted to go back so bad. I have been living with stomach cramps and gained 20 pounds bc I can't eat any veggies. I lived on them before. They have had every test done to see what was causing these cramps but everything looked great.
I am now going in Monday July 30 (yes 5 days away) for the take down. I don't feel ready for this but don't feel like I ever will be ready. I have my brothers wedding in December of this year which I have to fly to. I thought about waiting til after but my insurance deductible is 2000 every year so I am going in now hoping I will be ok to fly. And I haven't been feeling go anyways. I am a mess emotionally. I am worried about everything. Just have no idea what I am getting myself into. This has all happened fast and I am feeling very unprepared.
Any advise to make me feel confident would be appreciated. Thanks. Alli
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