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I had my j pouch created five months ago.
I will have to go back to work soon.
That scares me.
I work for a trucking company on the dock loading and unloading trailers.
I am worried I won't be able to do it anymore.
I have had this job for close to 30 years.
I have never been away from work this long.
And I know my pouch is not ready.
I still leak all day.
I have problems at least three times a night.
I get no sleep and get out of bed with what seems like really bad
arthritis. Never have I woke in such pain iuntil this surgery and
I don't see it leaving anytime soon.
I lost 40 plus pounds and have only gained maybe four back over
the past few months.
I don't think I will make it a day at work.
But I have to to pay bills.
it does not feel like I will be anywhere near back to a normal.
How long does it take.
I feel as though this as good as it gets.
and that is not good.
Oh well.
Thank you for listening.
I had to get it off my chest.
I just read on here where some people go back to work after a few
weeks after surgery.
No way for me.
I was in the hospital for close to two months off and on after
surgery with problems that kept cropping up.
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Do you have long term disability insurance through work, personally paid or through a union? LT policies usually kick in at 6 months. Also Social security disability starts paying disability benefits after being disabled 6 months. The filing process is gruesome but I was approved with my initial filing, so don't let everyone scare you about filing for it. You might not need it forever but you might need it for 18 months or whatever. I am just brainstorming here.

How much do you have to lift on your job? Has your doctor released you to lift that much? Have you been going back to your doctor with your problems? If not go and make sure that all of your problems are documented.

Does your place of employment have lite duty jobs that you can do, desk like work, instead of the manual labor ones? If they do can you even sit for that long?

You need to make sure that your GP and your other doctors all are behind you as it appears you need to go forward towards long term disability now. It took me 3 months to get approved. You need to say how your health problems affect your life and how you can not do this and that because of them.

Sorry for the rant but I've been where you are and it's scary. Not all of us come out of this like we hoped we would.

Take care of your health first. Starting too soon will probably just make things worse. I found that my Internist/GP was the best help in helping me with my chronic pain management and problems like sleep deprivation. M GI and surgeon didn't want to have anything to do with that as they don't see me as often as she, Internist, did. She also has me on antidepressants as chronic pain etc. is depressing as well.

Take care
I work for Union company.
I will have to look into long term disability.
I really know I cannot handle it right now.
as for lifting limits at may have to move a 200 pound piece
by yourself.
My doc has not released me yet. I have not asked.
if I can get long term I will check SS.
I have an appointment with my surgeon next Wednesday.
I will have a chat with her about.
in the meantime looks like I have a few phone calls to make.
Nothing wrong with may work out.
Hope it does.
Right now I am getting short term disability thru the union.
What did you find out? I'm sure the 200 pound requirement was a deal breaker right there. I seriously hope your union has LTD so you can continue to recover.

Please let us know how you are doing and under no circumstances go back until your body is ready to go.

If you keep meeting unrealistic expectations the powers that be don't realize they are asking you to do them.

I know a fellow j-poucher that had chronic cuffitis that went back to a temporary stoma as he could not do his job lifting 35 + pounds and all the the restroom trips required. He was in a non union shop. His j-pouch is just disconnected until he can figure out what he can do to have it fixed and can gather up enough family medical leave and money to take the time off.

I hope you received good news plus are feeling better.
As for leaking, I know that you might think this is odd but I was forced to wear adult diapers for a little while after my pouch surgery. This helped especially at night because sometimes I either couldn't make it to the bathroom or was so sound asleep that I didn't know. Lifting is going to be a huge issue because that strain can affect your pouch. If your surgeon writes a note to your work saying that you can not lift over a certain amount of weight then they should have to adhere by that. For arthritis I know a lot of people that take Celebrex for it because arthritis is common in UC/Crohns patients. Good luck!!!

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