Hello to all, and thanks in advance to those gracious enough to respond.
Brief background: Takedown was about 18 months agp. I've had cuffitis since February. Also believe that anal fissures have developed, causing lots of pain both internally and externally. Was on heavy prednisone for 4 months, now weaning on doc's orders. Currently, on Remicade. Not sure Remicade is doing much, about to up dose. I've thought about pouch advancement but reading on this site has made me ambivalent.
So, the question is: Is it time to seriously consider going back to a stoma and bags or do I, so to speak, gut it out for a while longer? There is something psychologically difficult about thinking about a pouch reversal. My wife says I do it to punish myself. I think it feels like quitting, like defeat.
I would really appreciate whatever knowledge, educated intuition and experience can be passed along.