Hello Friends,
I've been doing this dance so long now that my GI Docs (and my PCP) think I'm crazy. It is true, I am truly a mental wreck from these diseases. There are always so many various symptoms all co-mingling and morphing into and out of one another that I can no longer make sense of my condition when I'm in crisis.
I rattle off my symptoms and my issues, they send me away with the first line med choices, I check back in with no progress, or vague progress, then they send me away with level 2 med choices. Same every time. By level 3 I'm usually really in a crisis and can't make any coherent assessment. Out comes the Prednisone and finally the dance slows down and begins to resolve.
Since I'm relatively new to Crohn's, a couple of years now, I'm still getting hit with new and wondrous symptoms that I've never experienced to the fullest extent before. Currently it's fatigue and joint pain. Wow, I had no idea that this fatigue could be so debilitating and awful, I'm just wasted from it and I can hardly hold a pen or cup of coffee in my puffed up aching hand. I don't seem to have the strength to even move the mass of my body (Which is shrinking from normal weight to underweight due to loss of appetite), or get out of bed or up stairs. If I was obese I would be in serious trouble, I would need a wheel chair.
GI Docs tend to have a high burn out rate because their patients are so high maintenance therefore I try to self manage as we all must do eventually. We do the best we can.
Anyone out there experience this Crohn's fatigue? Does anything help it?
Many Thanks,
I've been doing this dance so long now that my GI Docs (and my PCP) think I'm crazy. It is true, I am truly a mental wreck from these diseases. There are always so many various symptoms all co-mingling and morphing into and out of one another that I can no longer make sense of my condition when I'm in crisis.
I rattle off my symptoms and my issues, they send me away with the first line med choices, I check back in with no progress, or vague progress, then they send me away with level 2 med choices. Same every time. By level 3 I'm usually really in a crisis and can't make any coherent assessment. Out comes the Prednisone and finally the dance slows down and begins to resolve.
Since I'm relatively new to Crohn's, a couple of years now, I'm still getting hit with new and wondrous symptoms that I've never experienced to the fullest extent before. Currently it's fatigue and joint pain. Wow, I had no idea that this fatigue could be so debilitating and awful, I'm just wasted from it and I can hardly hold a pen or cup of coffee in my puffed up aching hand. I don't seem to have the strength to even move the mass of my body (Which is shrinking from normal weight to underweight due to loss of appetite), or get out of bed or up stairs. If I was obese I would be in serious trouble, I would need a wheel chair.
GI Docs tend to have a high burn out rate because their patients are so high maintenance therefore I try to self manage as we all must do eventually. We do the best we can.
Anyone out there experience this Crohn's fatigue? Does anything help it?
Many Thanks,