My surgeon told me about this site and so far I am impressed at the knowledge and support that goes on here.
I do have questions though. I am pretty nervous but the doctor I have is super good and highly recommended by tons of people so it's not that.
I am pretty small, though. I am concerned-am I going to lose a ton of weight?
I weigh 130 now and am trying to gain some before the surgery knowing I won't be eating a lot after for a while.Then he narrowed it down to 2 surgeries since I am so healthy now. I just have UC and have had it for 20 years. 2 hospitalizations and a ton of flare ups, all kinds of medications and the last one was Remicade infusions for the past 6 years. I am tired of them! I also was getting horrible side effects and I am just done. I feel like this is a cure and instead of heaping more medicines I can downsize. Am I crazy? I get all kinds of support from my friends and husband and we feel this is good.
Any advise/encouragement would help! Michelle