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After my temp illeo revision in Dec 2011 I developed a large incisional, ventral hernia. At first they told me I didn't have one until the CT proved them wrong. Also, since the takedown surgery I have had to really strain to go. The GI also told me that was in my head and that after I had a scope my mind would be at ease and the strining would stop. Wrong. I had a defecography that is showing a kink or a bend that is holding things up. They can't really do the hernia repair until this straining issue is resolved. Now they are saying take a boatload of stool softeners and miralax. That just makes me feel sick and housebound. They don't see any stricture - just very narrow and angled. They say it may also be bd scar tissue - can't they fix that without re-doing the whole mess? They want to redo the anastamosis surgery and I will have another temp illeo- plus he said that it would most likely lead to incontinance. I'm confused. Has anyone been to the Cleveland Clinic? Do their doctors work together to figure out what to do? I have so many specialists. A vascular guy, a cardiologist, a GI and a CR surgeon. Cardiologist says no surgery until my rapid heart rate is controlled, CR says no hernia repair until straining is dealt with, GI says straining is all in my head. I'm going to lose my mind for sure if this doesn't stop. Thanks for any feedback.
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I was thinking that too Jennifer.

The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN is awesome too and they work as a team very well.

I had an incisional hernia that was causing mechanical partial obstructions. MY C/R surgeon did the hernia repair surgery and he ended up opening my entire incision, again, as apposed to the one inch scar I was expecting. He didn't realize until he got in there is was so big.

I think you are right about getting in to CC. I am partial as I love the Mayo Clinic. It is also just three hours away from where I live.

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