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Hello there. I'm Patrick, new to this lovely site but five years on from finishing with my surgeries. I had colectomy for ulcerative colitis, temporary ileostomy and then the pouch. After having colitis from age 19-31 it really has been a new life. Last year I ran a half marathon, for instance. I don't take a single day for granted. I take good care with diet and hydration etc
I suppose one blot on the whole thing is that while in the main, I am very well, I do average about 12 to 15 days off work a year. I do a quite heavy job, shift work as an operator on a pharma plant. To put it simply, I have days where my digestion is simply off (cramps, diarrhoea etc)  and other days with "colitisy" symptoms, (flu-like, joint pain etc). Thankfully the symptoms always subside after a couple of days, and I am perfectly happy to have this level of good health forever. But I wonder how does this compare to others on here?
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I do heavy work too.
I have days where I feel wonderful.
Then I have days where I know it would be better to have a bag.
I get so wore out.
Puzzling.  To say the least.
For example.
I had a great Monday.
As soon as I got home I made maybe five trips to the bathroom.
That's over an hour and a half period.
I went to bed and was up and down all night.
The night before.... I slept like a baby.
Everyday is different.  I never know how it will be.
So yes... There are others out here that have what you experience.

I don't find myself taking any days off work, but the heaviest lifting in my job is standing up from a chair.


I can think of a couple of possibilities. If it's pouch-related you might be dealing with occasional, mild pouchitis. If so, a short coure (10-14 days) of Cipro might clear it up quickly.


It might be something not pouch-related at all. For example, many people (including J-pouchers) struggle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which can range from a minor annoyance to seriously disabling. The standard treatment is soluble fiber (Metamucil, Benefiber, etc.).


Have you found anything that makes it feel better, or do you just wait it out?

Thank you both for your replies. Scott, I generally find that my bouts of feeling unwell are short lived, two days usually. Rest and immodium and lots of water are usually the main requirements. I generally go to the trouble of getting doctor's certs even for one day absences, but my work are always fine. I would probably halve my absence figure with a desk job, but there isn't one  at this company.
I have not taken any time off for the problem.
I do believe I have IBS.
I also find I have to elevate above the seat to evacuate.
Seems like it may not be positioned correctly.
I have been checked numerous times and no inflammatory probs.  All healthy. 
It just seems I cannot relax the inner sphincter.... Whatever it is called.  Seems to clamp up most times and won't let me finish.
So I need up going several times.
Mysticobra, it's good that you don't miss work. I don't usually have any problems with emptying. I seem to be an all or nothing type of case. Either very well,  or crampy, loose and not very well. The nature of my job doesn't help, pushing, pulling, lifting etc all day long. I think a kind of tiredness just sets in, when diarrhoea and cramps start and my body says No.
I know exactly what you mean. 
I work on a freight dock and the effort when you have diarrhea just wears you out fast.  I am having a couple days like that now.
Then all of a sudden I will have two... Three days where I am just fine and then back to diarrhea.  Not my diet.  I have tried everything.  Even eating almost the same thing all week.  No difference what I eat.  It goes back and forth. 
I have gotten better over time and hope as more time goes by it will get even better.
Think the worst and hope for the best.
But my pouch is still a baby. 
You've had your for awhile.  
It was suggested by my surgeon that I may have IBS on top of what I had.  I think I do.
I hope you don't and can get it figured out.

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