Hello there. I'm Patrick, new to this lovely site but five years on from finishing with my surgeries. I had colectomy for ulcerative colitis, temporary ileostomy and then the pouch. After having colitis from age 19-31 it really has been a new life. Last year I ran a half marathon, for instance. I don't take a single day for granted. I take good care with diet and hydration etc
I suppose one blot on the whole thing is that while in the main, I am very well, I do average about 12 to 15 days off work a year. I do a quite heavy job, shift work as an operator on a pharma plant. To put it simply, I have days where my digestion is simply off (cramps, diarrhoea etc) and other days with "colitisy" symptoms, (flu-like, joint pain etc). Thankfully the symptoms always subside after a couple of days, and I am perfectly happy to have this level of good health forever. But I wonder how does this compare to others on here?
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