A friend of mine recently had a colectomy and j-pouch operation following cancer but was totally lost because of a lack of information post operation. I know that this site is fantastic for specific information but is there an information source that can be read that is both detailed but general?
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Hello, Y2K Bug.
Here are two sites that I studied and referred to in the weeks before my first surgery (due to UC and colorectal cancer). Next to this site, I found these are the most informative, easy to read and understand, and well laid out for people who are bewildered, frightened and overwhelmed.
ucsfhealth.org. (This is the University of California San Francisco pouch site)
stomawise.co.uk (This site uses plain language and some pictures you can understand when the mind is reeling.)
I hope your friend is better now and adjusting to her new life without pain or problems. They found the cancer and that is a good position to be in.
Hi Winter, thanks for the info and taking the time to reply. Sorry for taking so long about it. I was speaking to another friend on Monday and the reason I hadn't seen her for so long was she was also undergoing treatment for a bowel cancer and an ileostomy! So this information is double worth it
Diagnosing colorectal cancer early when it is in its early stages and has not spread to other organs or to lymph nodes, is the best chance for recovery, plus any treatments before or after surgery. I hope your friend is recovering quickly.
Thanks Winterberry!