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I have been having issues with nauseau and burning in my stomach for the past couple weeks. I have been given some Tecta to try and if that doesn't work after the week, my GI is going to perform a gastroscopy. Is that the same as an endoscopy? And more so, has anyone had this and how bad is it? It reminds me of an NG tube, which was just awful with the gagging and vomiting when it goes in / out. Hopefully I won't need the test but am quite scared.
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I am not sure if this is the same test as the upper endoscopy, but can't they put you out for it? My husband had the upper endocosopy done last year and was completely out for it. I could not handle the ng tube either. When they tried to insert it twice I vomited and told the nurses I did not need their help to vomit that I was quite capable of doing it on my own (as I had been vomiting with an ilieus after takedown). Good luck with the procedure.
Yeah...I vomited on them too when they inserted the NG tube.

I was vomiting already when they decided to insert the NG tube and continued to do so during the insertion process, which fortunately was quick.

From what I have seen propofol is only administered by anesthesiologists. I had it used once, at my option, for a pouchoscopy. Propofol in fact does put you out, and it erases your memory as well, so that you don't realize it is all over when it is over. My GI had an anesthesiologist working for him who did it. He later fired the anesthesiologist and in subsequent years I have always chosen light sedation for pouchoscopies. I hope your GI has an anesthesiologist on staff as propofol should only be administered by an anesthesiologist.

Michael Jackson was killed by propofol when injected by his personal physician who was NOT an anesthesiologist.

I would tend to think you would not want to be awake for this endoscopy and would want to opt for the propofol, although it is a weird experience or at least it was for me. You are knocked out, but for what seems like a split second, and you don't believe anything has happened. I told them they were full of crapola when they told me they scoped me, but they then showed me the pics to prove it. The best thing is no residual drowsiness with the propofol. Not sure if they will let you drive but it is not like getting versed and demerol. You feel alert and ready to get out of there.
Last edited by CTBarrister
Gastroscopy is the same as upper endoscopy, and they always do what is called conscious sedation for these things. When they say lightly sedated, that means it is not the same as general anesthetic, but that you are sedated enough to not remember the procedure and to sleep through most of it. You will not be allowed to drive yourself home, unless you agree to stay in recovery a very long time; like all day. You need to find someone to drive you to and from the procedure.

People assume that they are "put out" with conscious sedation, but that just is not true. The main thing to focus on is that you are unaware, do not feel pain, and are comfortable throughout the procedure.

Jan Smiler
Guess I'll have to see what he says then about the sedation. May have to take the subway and cab then. That's the lesat of my worries.

I think I overdid it today. I am trying to eat normal to see if the tecta is helping on a normal diet..but probably ate a bit too much..and now the burning is really there. So at this point...I'll proably need to have the gastroscopy done.
I don't think they would even allow you to take the subway unattended. It would be like letting you walk home, and you are not really able to make good judgements after waking from sedation. But, if you just stay in recovery a few extra hours, it should be fine. You just have to get that part nailed down when scheduling is done. I've seen procedures canceled because the patient did not arrange for a ride. It is like drinking too much. Some people are fully competent shortly after waking, but others not so much. You may feel smart as a tack, but not have good judgement. The folks at the hospital don't want to be liable for you walking in front of a bus or falling on the tracks in the subway!

Yes, it does sound like you really need the gastroscopy done. And, in the meantime, eat small, frequent meals that are bland.

Jan Smiler
Jan is right about you needing to get a ride or an escort. When I get the "conscious sedation", they make sure I have a ride, and they actually call the person picking me up to confirm that they can come and get me. I realize Canada has different liability laws (and no fault if you live in Quebec), but the GI does not want to be responsible when you walk in front of a truck in a groggy state, get flattened and your Estate sues for wrongful death. It's not going to be allowed to happen. You need a ride, the subway is not happening and a cab probably isn't happening either. Get a loved one to take you to and from.
That doesn't sound good. I don't have much family don't want to make my dad skip work for it. oh well, will figure it out..and see if he even wants to do the procedure.

Jan...I think I need to eat normal to see if my stomach is actually healed from the tecta by Thursday as it's not a fair test if I'm just eating bland small meals.

Murray, your comment made me laugh. Doesn't sound like such a relaxing procedure tha tyou can just relax and sleep through it. Good way to do it though. :-)

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