I have a j pouch for 21 years and last year diagnosed with gastroparisis ( while I was dealing with long covid )
I had the empty test , showed severe delayed emptying. I suffered for 6 months , vomiting , pain , gerd, loss of weight . Then symptoms disappeared.
I started living a normal life again .
recently I contacted a bad respiratory illness, may have been covid , ( test neg) but it was 3 weeks , coughing , runny nose ….
then the gastroparesis reappeared.
vomiting , pain , went to E R
they put me on reglan , lost a lot of weight , can eat small amounts of food to not experience pain . They said this gastroparisis is a flare up from having the respiratory virus , ( again )
very frustrated… now have to let this run it’s course and once you have this you never get rid of it . Just flare ups when your body gets triggered