I had my takedown surgey about 2 weeks ago and am now using my j pouch. My problem is that I have such horrible gas that I'm in the bathroom from 16-20 times a day, which has lead to the worst butt burn. I've tried gasx and phazyme but nothing seems to work. I am not eating a gassy diet or even drinking through a straw. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!!
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Reduce your simple carbs. Avoid fruit juices and fruit except for small portions. No candy or other sweets. Go light on bread and crackers too.
People think if they avoid beans and cabbage they are good. Maybe with a colon that might be fine, but your small intestine is more sensitive, especially if you are still adapting.
Oh, yeah, Metamucil can cause gas too.
Thank you Jan. I just started taking Imodium yesterday and it's seemed to help with the frequency and I bought the Imodium with gas relief today hope that helps some. I'll try cutting out the sweets and breads but that doesn't leave me with much. I'm currently not eating veggies or fruits/fruit juices (what I wouldnt give for a salad!!). Hope I can put those back into my diet someday! I don't take Metamucil or any other fiber supplement.
Eggs can be gas producing too. Simethicone (the ingredient in all those gas treatment drugs) really does not prevent or "get rid of" gas. It just makes it easier to pass. Your best option is to prevent it from forming. Most intestinal gas is from bacterial action on undigested carbs. You might get some benefit from products like Beano (a digestive enzyme) or even Pepto Bismol (which has antibacterial properties).
The good news is that thigs usually improve with time.
That's good information to know. Ill give beeno a try. I wondered why they didn't seem to work. The good news though is that im learning to pass gas without messing myself! lol.
You are doing better than me! Nearly 20 years post op and I NEVER trust a fart!