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Coming up on one year for my surgery soon, and some days are great, but other days i always have a problem with Gas. I regularly take GasX chewables and Beano before meals etc..but i dont really see a difference. Is there anything else out there i can try? tried Probiotics for a time as well, VSL3-DS was the one. Just wondering maybe there is something i havent tried yet that works for others.
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Not exactly "off the wall," but simple to do (no complicated diet to follow), is to just drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake. In particular, this means sweets, breads, cereals, potatoes, rice, pasta, etc. Even if this is bacterial overgrowth, once you get it in control with a course of antibiotics, reducing carbs will help keep in in control.

I love carbs, but being a diabetic, I have an added reason to be mindful. When I cannot resist and eat more than I should, I pay for it with increased gas, bloating, and increased output. I have not had to eliminate them, but just reduce them to the portion sizes we are supposed to eat.

Unfortunately, one of the problems with many carbs is that we tend to crave them once we are eating them (especially if they are salted or fried Roll Eyes).

Nearly 19 years with a j-pouch, it took me much of that time to figure it out... This is sort of counter to what we are told during the post-op period, where we are supposed to eat lots of starchy bulk. Go figure, but post-op is a specific time period, not forever...

Jan Smiler
Excessive gas can be caused by SIBO or pouchitis, so you may want to have these issues ruled out before you start any major diet changes, which may not be entirely necessary for you.

That being said, I have been taking Align probiotic for about 3 months now, and I have experienced a noticeable reduction in gas. It took about 4 weeks of taking the Align daily for the changes to become really apparent. I should add that I've cut out virtually all pasta from my diet as well, except in situations where it's unavoidable (i.e. when invited to dinner at someone's house, etc). Also, while I haven't eliminated sugar nor do I intend to, I am paying closer attention to foods with "hidden" sugars and keeping a better eye on the amount of sugar I take in on an average day. I made those changes a couple of months before I started taking Align. It could possibly be a combination of these things; either way, I'm happy with the results, at least as far as reduced gas production.
I don't know what you mean by excess gas. Are you expelling gas while NOT sitting on the toilet or are you just expelling gas while emptying your pouch while on the toilet? I ask because I, for one, welcome gas while emptying my pouch while on the toilet. It is my duct cleaner and signals the end of the bowel movement session. Without it, I don't feel as cleaned out! I don't usually have excessive gas while not on the toilet. Sometimes when I lie down the gas escapes. My pouch is over 10 years old. I eat and drink everything! Probably too much of everything! Best wishes.

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