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Hello fellow J-Pouchers and Happy New Year!

I'm new to this group, but have done some reading here before after searching some questions and discovering it through Google. Anyways, I'm just a month and 5 days out from my takedown surgery. Things seem to be going well/as mostly expected thus far. However, one thing that is considerably worse than I expected is the gas pain and pressure that comes along with this. I've been kinda bummed because the doctors never even mentioned this before surgery, and now it's probably my main struggle (other than the anal irritation that comes and goes). It's so frustrating because I feel as though I could hold things in longer if it wasn't for the awful gas. I am able to pass some when lying down, however, sometimes it just becomes too much (sorry for the TMI )

My question: does the gas/pressure/pain get better over time? If so, how long did those of you that dealt with it do so? I know each person heals differently, but just wondering if there's an "average" length of time people seem to deal with it before it subsides. I was on Metamucil but the surgeon told me to stop that because it can worsen the cramps. That seemed to help a little but made my BMs looser and slightly more frequent, so I had to up my Imodium dose slightly.

Any help/advice/encouragement  from those of you that have experienced this would be greatly appreciated!


Tags: J-Pouchers, Cramps, Gas

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Yeah the amount of gas pain does reduce over time.  The ability to pass gas doesn't really improve though (for me it actually declined, i was able to pass has standing/walking for the first 4 weeks, but now only lying down).


If gas is a problem you could try beano with food, taking some sort of probitic may help, chewing your food more careful, keeping a diary for trigger foods and taking tablets like windeze (simeticone) and or buscopan for cramps.  You can also do exercises and massage the gut to keep it all bubbling through.


In short yes it will improve, but there are things you can do to help yourself too.



I would tend to agree that mine has gotten a little worse as well.  But as was previously mentioned I can usually relate it to certain types of foods (vegetables) or the quantity of food.  I love eating but I really try hard to eat smaller quantities more frequently.  Sometimes this is difficult but it helps on so many levels.  

The other thing that seems to help even gas for me and is mentioned several times here is Metamucil.  Also helps with frequency and burn.  


Hello, DYL. I am nine months after reversal. The first few weeks I experienced bad gas cramps and spasms, as if there was a golf ball trying to come out! I thought there was something wrong. My doctors didn't tell me to expect that. I read about the symptoms on this site, so I knew what it was. This calmed down after two months or so. Gas comes with certain foods I eat, vegetables such as Brussels sprouts (roasted very, very well to avoid blockages), or too much carbohydrates or sugar. Carbonated drinks can send more gas down there, so can drinking with a straw. Keep a food diary in these first few weeks so you'll know what causes you gas. The advice my doctor gave me was to eat small amounts, re-introduce foods slowly, and chew everything well. For me, until November, it seemed there was a new problem every week but each thing calmed down with no lingering effects. Things will get better day by day. Happy new year!


Thank you all so much! These comments seem VERY helpful. I think one thing I need to do is decrease my meal size. I have been trying to, but as mentioned, I love to eat�� Especially when I'm not as restricted like I was with UC. CTB23, would I take the Benefiber morning and night like I did Metamucil? Directions may be on the box so I guess I'll look when I get it, just curious as to what you do. Thank you all again!


I just started about 2 mos. ago and at this point I just take it at breakfast.  I only have 3-4 bm's a day so I use it to thicken things up due to some leakage issues.  I also take Peptobismol at dinner and 2 Immodium at bed.  So far it seems to help.  My surgeon suggested to start once a day with the Benefiber and then increase as needed.  Hope it helps.



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