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Embarrassing question but I have never read anyone who has asked this one. Like most of us my bowel movements are very loose and many times are pure diarrhea. The problem is I usually pass gas at the same time as my bowel movement and as a result it makes quite a mess in the toilet bowel. For the less refined of us on this sight, the term is called “sandblasting”. Just wondered if anyone has experienced this as much as I have. Any solutions?

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I suspect all of us experience this to some degree, and it’s very annoying. There are a number of things that can help with the mess, some more involved than others. Some of the high-end bidets (e.g. Toto Washlet) spray the bowl with water as you walk up to it. This reduces the mess sticking to the bowl. A few folks here have said they now hand spray the bowl before sitting down, which is much cheaper than a Washlet.

If you’re ready to buy a new toilet two features can make a difference. The more important one is bowl cleaning, and toilets vary a lot in how well they do this. The sales people are usually clueless about it, but Consumer Reports discusses it when rating toilets. The other feature is that some toilets are available in an especially smooth finish (Toto calls theirs “SanaGloss”). This can also prevent poop from sticking, at least if no one ever cleans it with abrasive cleanser.

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