I’ve had my takedown on 9th November and things were going well, despite the 15+ BMs and gas and the itching and burning. Two weeks ago I thought I had things even better under control as I was able to pass wind most of the time without even lying down. Then since last week when I moved back home (from UK to PL) things have gotten rather annoying.
I don’t know if it’s because I’ve eaten more/different food or a bit of strain from the move, but my butt burn has gotten worse, even when gas comes out it burns really bad. I’ve even got flecks of light blood on my TP. No other symptoms though. I’ve started washing with water in the bathtub and it’s a little bit better but hurts very much. And it seems a bit tighter/drier? BMs come through ok, but when gas wants to go it causes issues. I use nappy cream and a cream with lanolin but it’s hard. I go between 5-7 times, most of it after 6pm.
Another thing is that I’ve had since basically the beginning and I don’t know how ‘normal’ that is but I have this constant air collecting in me. It’s ok when I’m sitting or lying, it’s not so much, but whenever I move or even just get up it’s like a valve has been opened and it puts pressure around my bottom. I use gas reducing tablets and drink fennel tea, but they don’t seem to be much help.
I’m waiting for my insurance here in PL so I can go to a doctor. So for the moment any help is most welcome.
Thank you!